Home Uncategorized Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India {2021}

Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India {2021}

Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India {2021}

Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India {2020} | Get Full updated List Here:  Mother Dairy Cow’s Ghee,Amul Ghee,Gowardhan Cow ‘s Ghee, Patanjali Cow’s Ghee,Aashirvaad Svasti Ghee,Baidyanath Premium Cow Ghee,Vedaka Cow Ghee .

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Need to know About Top 7 best cow’s ghee brands in India {2020}

Ghee is the most valuable commodity home products in India. This is also known as lightened butter as it contains fat-soluble vitamins and is good for your health. which is loved for its best taste and pure health value. It has a natural fragrance, delicious taste, and granular texture. It is used in the cooking of various sweets and dishes. There is much best quality of Desi ghee products on the market. But we select top 10 best cow desi ghee in India 2020

Some essential features of Desi Ghee:

Its helps to improve your healthy glowing skin and hair

It helps to build strong bones and muscles

It improves your immune system and gives stamina as well

It is full of nutrients and makes your body strong and healthy.

It has omega 3, omega 9, and has valuable minerals with antioxidants.

It also consists of Vitamin A, D, E, and K.

It reduces bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol in your body.

It helps to keep your heart healthy.

It helps to build strong metabolism in our body and also maintains our weight management as well.

Here are the Best Desi Cow Ghee Brands In India:

without  taking your more time lets start to know best sudh desi cow ghee brand in India

1.Mother Dairy Cow Ghee

Most Popular cow's Ghee Brand Mother Dairy Cow Ghee

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 Here comes the number 1 Brand for Cow Ghee. Mother’s milk is the most popular and reliable type of dairy products. Mother Dairy was commissioned in 1974 and is a full-time member of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). It was a program under Operation Flood, one of the largest development programs in the world launched to make India the perfect sufficient milk for the world. Over the years,

Mother Dairy has been instrumental in achieving this goal through development programs and programs. Today, Mother Dairy markets and sells dairy and dairy products including based products, ice cream, paneer, and ghee under the Ms. Dairy brand. The Company also has a limited directory with products in the known oils, fruits, and vegetables, dried vegetables, paper, food processed fruit juices, jams, etc. to meet the daily needs of each house. Maximum Shelf Life 8 Months.

This is one of the best desi ghee brands in India. It comes in a plastic pouch packaging rather than a container or a tetra pack its take no 1 rank in Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India

Nutritional Information about Mother Dairy Pure Ghee You Should Know
  • It contains 68 calories over 100 ml of Cow ghee.
  • It contains 285 KJ of energy and 4.10g of fat in 100 ml.
  • It contains 4.80 g of carbohydrates and 3.10g of protein in it.
  • It is made up of Cow pure ghee.
What we Like in This

This is a Vegetarian product.

totally Indian Product

this is pocket-friendly Cow sudh ghee

The ghee contains a rich granular texture

Best for the consumption of human beings

Specialty: 100% Natural

1,039 customer ratings on amazon 4.1 out of 5

2. Amul Pure Ghee

Amul cow ghee

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It is the leading brand with high-selling dairy products.  It has overshadowed other top dairy brands and achieved impeccable success.

its products are widely consumed by many Indian houses.

The brand is best known for its milk, butter, ghee, and other dairy products. It is a very reliable indicator and is screened by health professionals.

This complete vegetarian product has a pleasant aroma and rich granular texture. The richness comes from all the fat-soluble vitamins and is made from fresh cream obtained from the milk of the pure desi cow. The product comes in a bag, tin, and also in a petrol pack that makes it easy to carry and walk-friendly.

This ghee has a very long shelf life of 9 months which means it is good before 9 months from the date of manufacture.its hold 2nd rank slot gacor 2022 in Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India

Nutritional Information about Mother Dairy Pure Ghee You Should Know
  • The energy level in this ghee is 814 kcal.
  • The total amount of fat is 90.5 kcal.
  • The saturated fat amount is 58g.
  • Cholesterol in this ghee is 190 mg.
  • Vitamin A is 700 mcg.
  • It requires to be stored in a dry and cool place.
What we Like in This
  • Its is purely Vegetarian
  • Amul Ghee is made from fresh cream and it has a typical rich aroma and granular texture
  • Amul Ghee is an ethnic product made by dairies with decades of experience, and a rich source of Vitamin A, D, E, and K.
  • totally Indian product

3. Gowardhan Cow Ghee

gowardhan cow ghee 3rd

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It is one of the most widely growing brands in India for pure desi ghee, Gowardhan Ghee based in Pune. It is known for the high-quality Cow ghee in India and dairy products such as cheese and butter. The use of pure beef ghee brings good taste and makes you stay healthy.

Gowardhan was founded by Parag Milk Foods Pvt. Ltd. The portfolio of types includes dairy products with high quality. Gowardhan Premium Ghee is made with an untouched formula that guarantees cleanliness. It is made with 100% cow’s milk and with great taste. It is lighter than calcium in rice and is rich in many vitamins.


Nutritional Information about  Gowardhan Ghee You Should Know
  • It has around 40 calories in teaspoon ghee.
  • It has around 5.00g fat in one teaspoon with 3.20 saturated fat.
  • The cholesterol level is 13mg in one teaspoon.
  • It contains zero carbs and protein.

4.Patanjali Cow’s Ghee


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The Patanjali Cow Ghee is a pure desi ghee made from the highest quality cow’s milk. It assures its customers to digest, gain weight, increase memory, and smart after use.

Patanjali desi cow ghee is one of the most popular ghee now in India and also offers the highest quality cow ghee in India. The genre is now represented by the famous Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev.

A cow ghee diet helps increase memory, digestive power, Ojas, and reduce other fats. Cow ghee also plays an important role in boosting your immune system. this cow ghee helps increase memory, intelligence, digestion, and is very helpful for those who want to gain weight fast. So, Patanjali Cow’s ghee comes in the 4th place on our list of the best ghee in India. its come in 4th rank in Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India

Nutritional Information about Patanjali Cow Desi GheeYou Should Know
  • It contains 100% fat in 100g of cow ghee with 78% saturated fat, which is good for health.
  • It is rich in vitamin A and contains other vitamins too.
  • Cholesterol level is approx 80% in 100g of ghee.
  • Sugar and protein level is zero in it.
What We Like in this
  • This is a Vegetarian product.
  • Ghee calms Pitta and Vata. Hence, it is ideal for people with Vata-Pitta body type and for those suffering from Vata and Pitta imbalance disorders
  • Cow ghee is better for heart compares to other buffalo ghee
  • Patanjali Cow ghee contains only those fatty acids or saturated fat that are primarily 89% short-chain fatty acids, compared with the longer chain with other animal fats. it is the long-chain fatty acid that is associated with blood clotting and thrombosis
  • Patanjali Cow milk is easy to digestive and help hormone production and strengthening the cells membranes
  • It Helps in increasing intelligence and memory power
  • Boost body energy and detoxify the body
  • Country of Origin: India


5.Aashirvaad Svasti Ghee

aashirvaad svasti ghee

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Aashirvaad Svasti Ghee is made from cow’s milk. The product has a slightly simpler method of cooking. Here the curd is boiled slowly and gradually added to the temperature for three to four hours.

Aashirvaad Svasti Ghee has an Amazon rating of 4.4. 63% of people rely on this type because of their health and fitness. The product is 100% pure and made from cow’s milk.

This enhances the taste of the chalk and the aroma of the ghee. This Aashirvaad Svasti Ghee (1 L) comes in a plastic bottle and we have it ranked sixth on our list of the most ghee types in India.

Nutritional Information about Aashirvaad Svasti GheeYou Should Know
  • It contains 90% fat in 100g of desi cow ghee with 65 % as saturated fat.
  • It has 300g of cholesterol in every 100g of ghee.
  • Aashirvaad ghee is rich in sodium and vitamins.
  • It has 0% fat and sugar.
What we like in This
  • This is a Vegetarian product.
  • Made from cow’s milk
  • Made with a special slow cook process
  • In this process, ghee is prepared by cooking slowly for about three and a half hours over gradually increased temperatures which enhances its natural aroma and taste
  • Pure cow ghee

6.Britannia Cow Ghee


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Britannia Cow Ghee comes in 6th on the list of the best cow’s ghee brands in India Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars by customers on Amazon. The Britannia ghee has a lot of fresh, white, and fragrant that is stored even if it has not been refrigerated for a year. The most nutritious food, Britannia ghee is as big as a spread on your paranthas or as a recipe. The ghee produced by this brand has an amazing healthy texture and a delicious taste too.

Nutritional Information about Aashirvaad Svasti GheeYou Should Know

britannia cow ghee2 best cow's ghee in india

What we like about this
  • This is a Vegetarian product.
  • Healthy and tasty
  • Country of Origin: India

7. Vedaka Cow Ghee 

vedaka cow ghee

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This is one of the amazon owned products and provides 100 percent natural cow ghee. It has many health benefits and mouth-watering taste. It contains healthy short-chain fatty acids and is filled with essential nutrients.  You can add it to your dishes like paratha, pulao, etc.

Vedaka cow ghee is free from impurities and artificial colour. It comes on 7 the rank in our Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India list this is last but on lest.


Nutritional Information about Verka Cow Ghee You Should Know
  • It is rich in vitamins A and E.
  • It is also rich in fatty acids, which is very important for our body.
  • It has 13g of fat with 8 grams of saturated fat in 100g of ghee.
  • It contains 112 calories in 100g of ghee.
What we like about this
  • This is a Vegetarian product.
  • 100 percent natural cow ghee
  • High-quality ghee made from pure cow milk
  • Hygienically packed and meets food safety standards
  • Free from preservatives and artificial colour
  • Cow ghee is packed with nutritive properties
  • Ideal taste enhancer for preparing meals and sweets
  • Quantity: 500 ml
  • Storage directions: once opened, store in a clean, dry and airtight container, store in a cool and hygienic place, away from direct sunlight .Top 7 best cow ghee brand in India


Frequently ask question

Q. What is Ghee?

It is essentially butter that has all of the water, milk solids and sugar removed through a clarification process. It is considered a ‘healthy’ fat, and in India is an essential part of a healthy diet partly due to its high nutritional value. Another thing that makes it great is that you can use it for cooking because of its high smoking point.

Q. What is the difference between ghee and clarified butter?

Clarified butter is when you heat the butter and then remove the milk solids that have risen to the top of the pot. The process of making ghee involves boiling the butter until all of the moisture boils away. The milk solids then settle to the bottom of the pan and are burned off.


Q. Do I need to refrigerate it?


If the jar is not open, you do not need to refrigerate it. Ensure that you begin to use the product by the best-before date when it is open, store it in a dark, cool, dry place (away from sunlight) for up to three months. If you put it in the fridge, it can last up to a year, although it will become hard when refrigerated. If you leave the jar at room temperature, it will become soft again. Generally, it is best to keep it away from moisture and sunlight.

Q. What is the price of 1 kg ghee?

As the markets are so vast for, every brand has mentioned its price according to them. But, if we choose one quality product which is famous in the market for producing the right product like Amul.

Amul almost tops the list with no compromise on the quality, and it’s 1 kg tin cost is around Rs.510. All other brand prices are also nearby.

Q.Which Ghee is the best cow or buffalo?

Buffalo gives more milk in comparison to a cow. Milk given by buffalo is a bit heavier than cow milk is slimy. Ghee, which is made with cow milk, is light, yellow in color, and tasty. Cow ghee is also suitable for health. Cow ghee is best to consume in comparison to buffalo ghee. Buffalo ghee is also ideal for health, but it is a bit heavy and not easy to digest.

Q.How can we identify pure cow ghee?

There are different ways through which we can check the purity of the cow ghee. But today, we will share the easiest way through which you can check the purity of the ghee in your own house.

Put cow ghee on a teaspoon and allow heat under it. If the ghee melts and turns its color in yellow, then it is not pure cow ghee and has impurities. But if the ghee melts and immediately turns into a dark brownish color. Then yes, it is a [pure cow ghee with no addon and no impurities.

Q.Which is the best ghee brand in India?

There are many brands in India that manufacture ghee, such as Amul, Mother Dairy, Nestle, Patanjali, Baidyanath, Organic India, and many more. We have incorporated the top 10 best ghee in India for you according to our research.

Q. Which is the best ghee to buy?

Always opt for the ghee that is organic and vegetarian. We have enlisted the best cow ghee brands in India for you.

Q. Is Amul ghee pure?

According to FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India), there are no preservatives or colors added to Amul ghee. Therefore, it is 100% pure.

Q  Does Ghee make the skin dark?

No! Ghee contains various nutrients and induces the digestion. Thus it improves the skin.

Q. Does Ghee make you fair?

Ghee acts as a natural moisturizer, and even moisturizes the skin in very dry weather. Desi ghee makes the skin softer and smoother.


Jazztrend hopes and wishes after reading this article you have now all the knowledge about the Top 7 best cow ghee brands in India {2020}. All of these brands are well verified and validated by healthcare professionals as well as consumers. You will definitely find your fit in this list as the list contains ghee for every range and every budget.


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