The first look of Businessman-turned-actor Saravanan’s debut movie has been unveiled by its makers. The title and movement poster of the upcoming film had been unveiled on March 4. The movie titled The Legend will characteristic actor-model Urvashi Rautela reverse Saravanan. The film is helmed by director duo JD-Jerry and it’s bankrolled by Saravanan’s manufacturing banner, The New Legend Saravana Stores Production.
Director duo JD-Jerry unveiled the title and movement poster of the film on Twitter.
Watch movement poster of The Legend –
Apart from the lead pair of Saravanan and Urvashi Rautela, the film additionally stars Prabhu, Vivekh, Nasser, Vijayakumar, Latha, Kovai Sarala amongst others. Harris Jayaraj is the music composer of The Legend film. The cinematography of the film is being completed by Velraj.
According to experiences, within the sci-fi film, Urvashi Rautela might be enjoying the function of a microbiologist. The makers haven’t stated something in regards to the function performed by Saravanan in his debut film.
The taking pictures of The Legend has been progressing at a superb tempo and the movie is anticipated to hit the theatres in 2022. Besides the debut of Saravanan, the movie is marking the primary manufacturing enterprise of his manufacturing banner, The New Legend Saravana Stores Production. The upcoming movie’s title is predicated on businessman Saravanan’s identify as he’s additionally popularly often called ‘Legend’ Saravanan.
Saravanan is the son of well-known Kannada businessman Saravanan Selvarathinam. He is the proprietor of many procuring shops, together with The Legend New Saravana Stores, The Legend Saravana, and Saravana Selvarathinam. He acquired limelight after he appeared together with main feminine actors in advert movies of his shops. Now, he’s all set to be seen as a lead actor in his manufacturing enterprise.
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