Veteran Bollywood actresses Soni Razdan and Helen had been noticed collectively on our social media feed this Wednesday morning. In her newest Instagram publish, Soni shared an image with the 83-year-old artist. Mother of Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, Soni posted the image on the media-sharing platform and added within the caption, “I think we actually met up again after more than 20 years. We share some wonderful special memories. And we’re on the verge of making some more.” Soni completed the caption with a bunch of hashtags that learn, “Helen,” “Past lives,” “memories,” and “actors life.”
Soni’s Instagram caption hints at an upcoming collaboration between the 2 artists and followers are fairly excited. Commenting on Soni’s publish, actress Neetu Kapoor wrote, “Nice Soni.” Actress Vaibhavi Malhotra commented, “Beautiful! This will be one fun duo.” Casting director Shanoo Sharma’s touch upon the publish learn, “I’m so jealous.” An enthused fan of the 2 actresses commented, “Wonderful two of my favourites in one frame. Mashallah you two look beautiful as always. Allah bless you both always with good health amen.”
As we look ahead to extra updates concerning the upcoming challenge that includes the 2 actresses, it ought to be famous that Soni was most lately seen within the Netflix sequence, Call My Agent: Bollywood. The sequence launched final yr and in addition starred Aahana Kumra, Ayush Mehra, Rajat Kapoor, Radhika Seth, Farah Khan and others.
With the upcoming wedding ceremony of Soni’s daughter Alia with actor Ranbir Kapoor, we will additionally count on the actress to be fairly busy with the event. Soni and Ranbir’s mom Neetu, additionally occur to share a detailed bond as is obvious from their social media interactions. It is reported that Ranbir and Alia might be tying the knot on the RK House, in Chembur.
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