Shehnaaz Gill and late actor Sidharth Shukla had been everybody’s favorite. Even although the 2 had by no means confirmed their relationship, their followers liked to see them collectively. However, the world was left shocked and teary-eyed after the sudden demise of the Balika Vadhu actor in September final 12 months. Sidnaaz followers had been left heartbroken and numb. It seemed like they’ll by no means be capable of use their favorite Jodi’s hashtag ever once more.
Months after, Shehnaaz Gill talked about ‘Sidnaaz’ in a latest interview and talked about that it was not merely a hashtag for her. The singer and actress talked about how Sidnaaz meant every part and was her life. She additionally thanked followers for showering liked Sidnaaz.
“For people, #Sidnaaz was just a hashtag, their favourite Jodi, but for me, it was a life that I lived and experienced and it will stay with me forever. A big thank you to the audience who loved our pairing together and the hashtag as well. But for me it was not just a hashtag, it was my everything. It was a beautiful memory and part of my life which will always stay with me wherever I go and whatever I do,” Shehnaaz Gill told Face magazine.
Recently, Shehnaaz Gill appeared on Shilpa Shetty’s new chat show Shape of You and talked about getting trolled for being happy months after Sidharth Shukla’s death. The Punjabi actress-singer mentioned that her rumoured beau Sidharth always wanted her to be happy and said, “If I get the chance to laugh, then I will laugh, I will stay happy. If I feel like celebrating Diwali then I will celebrate Diwali. Because happiness is very important in life. I also try to do that by myself. Today is the first time I am talking about this and it’s only because you are asking me to. Otherwise, I never talk about these things no matter who says what.”
Shehnaaz had also talked about her relationship with the late actor and had said, “Why should I tell anyone about my relationship with Sidharth? What was my connection with him, what was my relationship with him, I don’t need to be answerable to anyone. How important he was to me, how important I was to him, that I know. So I don’t have to give any explanation to anyone.”
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