Vikram starring Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil will launch on June 3. And simply over every week earlier than its worldwide premiere, the makers have launched one other tune from the movie. Vikram’s music has been composed by Anirudh Ravichander. The motion movie’s first single Pathala Pathala was launched just lately and it went viral immediately. #VikramFirstSingle #VikramFromJune3 @anirudhofficial @SonyMusicSouth @Udhaystalin @Dir_Lokesh @VijaySethuOffl #FahadhFaasil #Mahendran @RKFI @turmericmediaTM @anbariv @iamSandy_Off @RedGiantMovies_
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) May 11, 2022
The producers of Vikram, Raaj Kamal Films International, tweeted the poster of Porkanda Singam on their Twitter deal with. In the poster, Kamal Haasan could be seen hugging and comforting a small child. “Porkanda Singam Lyric Video from 11 AM tomorrow #KamalHaasan #VikramInAction #VikramFromJune3”, learn the tweet.
#PorkandaSingam Lyric Video from 11 AM tomorrow 🔥🔥#KamalHaasan #VikramInAction#VikramFromJune3 @ikamalhaasan @Dir_Lokesh @Udhaystalin @VijaySethuOffl #FahadhFaasil @anirudhofficial #Mahendran @RKFI @turmericmediaTM
— Raaj Kamal Films International (@RKFI) May 24, 2022
Vikram has been trending on social media for the previous couple of weeks. On Monday, Kamal Haasan tweeted that Vikram will get its personal Twitter emoji.
Our labour of affection . Now you emote . #Vikram #VikramInAction #VikramHitlist
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) May 23, 2022
Going by the craze for Vikram, a number of commerce analysts opine that Vikram might properly emerge as one of many largest blockbusters of the 12 months. In the movie’s trailer, which has over 25 million views on YouTube, Kamal Haasan could be seen performing edge-of-the-seat motion scenes with aplomb.
Vikram is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj of Master fame. Vikram marks the primary collaboration of Lokesh Kanagaraj and Kamal Haasan.
Apart from Kamal Haasan, Vikram boasts of a stellar star forged which incorporates Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil. It was revealed just lately that Actor Suriya will even be seen within the movie in a cameo position within the movie.
Amid all the thrill round Vikram, Bollywood celebrity Ranveer Singh additionally promoted the movie on his Twitter deal with. Ranveer tweeted the YouTube hyperlink of the trailer and wrote, “Cheers to my talented friend Lokesh and the Legend of Indian Cinema Kamal Haasan. This trailer is fire”.
After Vikram, Kamal Haasan will collaborate with director Pa Ranjith for a Madurai-based rural movie. Kamal Haasan will even be seen in director Shankar’s Indian 2, which has Kajal Aggarwal and Rakul Preet Singh as the feminine leads.
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