Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan spent her Tuesday evening partying together with her finest pals Amrita Arora, Manish Malhotra, Natasha Poonawalla, and sister Karisma Kapoor. The actress shared a glimpse into the glamorous celebration on Instagram Story. Kareena shared a photograph that includes Karisma, Manish, Amrita, and herself all wearing glamorous outfits. Captioning the image, Kareena wrote, “Ready for the party.” Fashion designer Manish additionally shared the identical image with the caption: “Nights like these.”
Entrepreneur and mannequin Malaika Arora, who can be part of Kareena’s good friend group, was lacking from the Tuesday evening celebration. The 48-year-old suffered minor accidents after she was concerned in a automotive accident. However, businesswoman Natasha returned to the bay after spending her time in London, which known as for a glamorous get-together.
Kareena additionally shared a glimpse of her sequined black slit costume and her assertion neckpiece. The actress captioned the image on Instagram Story, “In my most favourite neckpiece.” Kareena was noticed carrying the ‘Mughalicious Delicious pendant’ by Hanut Singh.
Amrita additionally shared a number of glimpses from the celebration. The actress posed for an image with Manish and shared it on Instagram Story. Amrita was sporting a big Christian Dior sweatshirt costume which she paired with a pair of white boots.
Meanwhile, Natasha shared the image together with her group of pals on Instagram Story and described it as a “casual night in.” Natasha was wearing a deep purple strapless costume which got here with ruffled cloth on the hems. The businesswoman accomplished her look with a pair of contrasting golden boots.
Karisma attended the occasion carrying her work garments as she defined on Instagram Story. The actress shared the image together with her group of pals on the social media platform and added within the caption, “When you don’t have time to dress for your besties.” The caption was adopted by a hashtag that learn, “Straight from work.” Karisma was noticed carrying a sky blue and white striped button-down midi costume together with a pair of white sneakers.
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