The shoot of the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha, starring Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan, was wrapped up at the moment. The movie had gone on flooring in October 2021 and eventually, viewers can hope to catch the movie on the large screens quickly. Now, on this event, Hrithik Roshan penned a protracted and emotional notice. The actor additionally shared footage with director duo Gayatri and Pushkar, and with Vikram aka Saif Ali Khan.
Taking to his Instagram, Hrithik Roshan wrote, “Beginning the journey of Vikram Vedha came with its own set of external challenges, with the pandemic and uncertainties… but looking back, it all contributed to our prep and performance. For me this journey has been as frightful and as delightful as a skydive. Using Vedha as an opportunity of letting go, aligning with what is, finding joy in being less than, being wrong, has felt refreshingly new for me. It’s been a journey of remolding, rewiring and trusting. Time and my audience will tell if my instincts were in the right place or not.”
He additional added, “But regardless of victory or failure , I am so so full of gratitude for the clarity & vision of my directors Gayatri and Pushkar. The passion they possess for the story and the sparkle in their eyes every day that we were on set, was a silent motivation for me to give it my best as Vedha. For me, becoming Vedha, good or bad, wouldn’t have been possible without the powerful presence of Saif Ali Khan as Vikram, in addition to all my co-actors esp Rohit Saraf, Radhika Apte & Yogita Bihani who gave me an impetus as a performer.”
He concluded his notice by saying, “As we called it a wrap on set, my mind is flooded with all the happy memories, testing times, action, thrill and hardwork we all have put into Vikram Vedha. Doing a little excited-nervous dance in my head today.. As we inch closer to our release date. Nuff said. See you at the cinemas.”
Director duo Gayatri and Pushkar additionally shared a notice on their Instagram. Talking about Hrithik, they mentioned, “Now that we have wrapped shoot, one thing we miss for sure… The warm hugs from HR at the beginning and end of the day. Truly blessed to work with you… Everyone knows how incredible an actor you are, but the warmth and genuine love you bring to the set is overwhelming 😍”
About Saif, they wrote, “Saif, what a joy on set? With his sense of humour and irreverence, never met someone as original. Ofcourse, the incredible acting after the goofiness… Wow!”
Finally, they wrote, “What a fantastic journey it’s been and finally, it’s a shoot wrap for #VikramVedha. Big big thanks to our incredible actors and our passionate crew.
In a screen near you on September 30th 2022.”
A remake of the movie starring R. Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi, Vikram Vedha had been shot throughout Abu Dhabi, Lucknow and Mumbai. It will hit screens on thirtieth September this 12 months.
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